What Is Dental Sedation?
How the process works

Welcome email
We will send you an information pack with:
- Clear details about the sedation process
- A medical consent form so we can understand your medical history
- A breakdown of costs with a final fixed price for our services
Phone Consultation
On the Day
Going Home
Are There Any Risk Involved?
As with all medical procedures, there are some risks but Xaler is built on prioritising your safety.
Our policies follow and exceed the best practice guidelines published by the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA). Not all patients are suitable – this may include individuals with significant cardiac or respiratory isease or severe obstructive sleep apnoea.
As part of our full service, all patients who are referred for dental sedation will be contacted by a doctor to discuss your specific risks and assess your suitability for sedation.
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
Intravenous (IV) sedation is generally seen as a low risk procedure. The Xaler team manages risk by ensuring only patients who are suitable receive sedation.
The risk around a procedure is increased by presence of underlying;
– Cardiovascular conditions (heart failure, valvular disease)
– Respiratory conditions (emphysema, asthma, pulmonary hypertension
The presence of one of these conditions does not preclude you from sedation, but it is important to discuss these conditions to your doctor so that we can plan the safest anaesthetic possible. In some cases, our medical team may suggest conducting the procedure in a day surgery unit or hospital.
The most common side-effect we see is nausea and vomiting following the procedure. The specialised medications we use helps reduce this risk.
Very rarely a patient may experience an allergic reaction to a medicine. It is important to tell you doctor if you have an allergies to medicines, foods, or substances.
Our doctors will talk to you about your individual risk and answer any questions you may have. As part of our information pack that goes out to all prospective patients, detailed information about potential risks is outlined.
Our doctors are all highly experienced in the delivery of procedural sedation with specialist training in anaesthetics, intensive care, and emergency medicine.
Being anxious about the dentist is common. In-fact 1 in 6 people have anxiety surrounding a dental appointment.
Our team can help you manage your anxiety by providing premedication to assist in the lead up to your appointment.
On the day our your appointment, our friendly team will insert a small cannula. The medications we use will make you feel more relaxed and potentially provide an amnesic effect so you do not remember the procedure.
Xaler will provide a detailed estimate of the cost based on the time and complexity of your procedure.
Medicare may reimburse between 10-30% of the procedure cost. Some private health insurers may provide a further member rebate.
Payment is via credit card on the day of your procedure. We also provide Buy Now, Pay Later payment options.
Xaler follows best practice principals to guide fasting times.
Patients are able to ingest solids up to four hours prior to the procedure.
We encourage patients to consume clear fluids (water) up until two hours prior to the procedure.
Our team is happy to answer any questions you may have.
Please feel free to contact the Xaler team:
Phone 1300-827-160
or use the contact us form and our team will call you back.